Saturday, August 23, 2008

Birdie Spoon

Hello!! Welcome to my blog!! I hope you have fun and enjoy sharing in the creative process with me. My first posting is from an altered cutlery swap we had in the Altered Artist group I attend monthly. A friend from the group had provided the lovely spoon which was expertly prepared by her husband in that it was banged flat and had holes drilled top and bottom. I had been working on some birds and decided to add one to the spoon. Our group got this idea from Jeannette Janson see and an article in Somerset. I found the birds from Michelle Michie at which she had specifically made for the bird project after she saw it in Somerset. Anyway - the wings are made from roofing tin with alcohol inks added. It was a fun project that was hard to swap away. I'll try to post some other birds next. Have a Tweet day!!